the marshals in training for the safety of the Monaco GP

stage sécurité des commissaires de l'ACM

The Corps of Stewards of the Automobile Club of Monaco organized its traditional Training and Refresher Course on April 15 and 16, three weeks before the first track event, the 6th Monaco E-Prix. This event has been organized since 1972 by the Automobile Club of Monaco, under the leadership of the President at the time, Me Michel Boéri.

The eleven workshops offered during this course aim to test the reflexes, physical and reasoning skills of the volunteers. Among the workshops, we can cite First Aid, Pre-video, Intervention, Post-video, Rail + Jack Workshop, Electrical Risks, the “Gazelle” timed course, Flags and signaling circuit as well as the Fire workshop.

This year, 562 Commissioners participated in the Training Course, supervised by around a hundred managers. Among the 85 applications pre-selected at the end of the registration campaign, 56 new candidates were able to take part in the weekend's workshops, 1/3 of whom were women. The average age is also decreasing with 39 years for the year 2023.

The Principality's Fire Brigade provided its support during the day on Saturday by offering training related to the risks of a car catching fire. The Commissioners were thus able to review the necessary practices in the event of fire risks.

Foreign Commissioners were also integrated into the teams with the arrival of 35 Commissioners from international circuits.

Des nouveautés ont été proposées lors de ce stage, comme la simulation de la signalisation et de la manipulation des drapeaux sur un nouveau circuit accueillant des kartings électriques. Les candidats ont ainsi pu travailler sur différents scénarios de course pour mieux appliquer les règles de signalisation en piste. L’atelier de sensibilisation aux risques électriques a été renforcé pour mieux appréhender les risques encourus avec les monoplaces en Formule 1 et Formule E. L’atelier “Gazelle” a également été amélioré avec l’apparition d’une boîte de vitesse pour mieux préparer les bénévoles à évacuer ce type d’éléments de la piste.

Overall, this Training and Retraining Course was a success, combining work, rigor and good humor. The volunteers of the Corps of Stewards of the Automobile Club of Monaco are now ready to face the challenges to come with more confidence and skills.




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